Saturday, April 22, 2006


this is my sat nite right now, the little one in bed so enjoying myself. but that mountain of lecture notes next to me is trying hard to distract me from chillin' out.. yeah, first exam - working in organisations is quite soon...
and just to add to the previous topic about polish london - on that day was going to work. popped in to thisquite new tiny cafe where a black guy is woking and what he said to me when asked about polish chockolate that was on the counter, he goes - jak tam? and me - good, thanx. and he - i thought you would say spoko ;)i left the place and first thing that i saw was a polish truck passing buy with warsaw registration numbers and a japanese girl wearing white t-shirt with a polish flag and saying 'polska gola' ;)))

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Super color scheme, I like it! Good job. Go on.