Monday, June 26, 2006

back in london

i'm back n i'm happy. especially to see my kedves.
already menaged to see a few performances at greenwich and doclands international festival...

dancing city in canary wharf

more at:

...and last nite we had a polish dinner.

there was some food of course as well;)
for those interested in what they ate: kielbasa sucha krakowska, kielbasa jalowcowka, pasztet z gesi, ser morski, ser tylzycki, barszcz czerwony z uszkami, pierogi ruskie, pierniczki z torunia nadziewane sliwkami, ptasie mleczko and zubrowka;)
p.s. i did't use polish letters, so the spelling is not fully correct.

binnie court in da summer

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I haven't seen I am here.
Very nice picture.