Tuesday, August 01, 2006

since last time;)

i've been working quite hard ;P but at least a lot, cos from monday to friday. weekends have been nice, and as i can remember it now we'd had a hungarian dinner not long time ago, prepared by nora and balint, teddy bears picknick, nora's and nikos's b'day bbq, meeting parents, brazilian and ealling jazz festival and now us two plus a cat are leaving temporarily in brockley.
and my lucky brazilian bracelet broke yesterday. it feels strange without it...

hungarian delicacies

gimmie more now

kids and teddies

time is precious

LoNdOn LeT's ReCyClE mOrE

moving out. again.

where i am now


Anonymous said...

why the hell did you have the hungarian dinner without me? any Tokaj left?

~Gosia~ said...

he he, cos why the hell u r having polish dinners every single day???;P
nothing's left, but i'll bring some goodies from hungary myself. so - be good to me girl!;D